The German Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Data Protection Act (BDSG) remain hot topics and shape the everyday life of internal investigations and corporate co-determination. In view of the now horrendous fines, practicable and effective “GDPR compliance” is all the more important.

Thus, the GDPR and the BDSG remain a challenge for legal, compliance and HR and are an integral part of “HR Compliance”.

In the following, we would like to inform you of the major developments in the field of employee data protection and of the activities of our law firm. Our specialists are Dr. Thilo Mahnhold and Dr. Daniel Klösel.

  • JUSTEM Client Newsletter 02/2021 – “Copy & Waste? – Federal Labor Court decides on judicial enforcement of the right to a copy of data under Art. 15 GDPR”
  • “Employment data protection 2020 – quo vadis? Practical seminar, workshop & field reports after more than one year GDPR”, referees Dr. Thilo Mahnhold and Dr. Daniel Klösel (JUSTEM) and Prof. Dr. Marlene Schmidt and Dorothee Schwedes (APITZSCH SCHMIDT KLEBE Rechtsanwälte) on October 17, 2019 at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
  • Dr. Daniel Klösel is a speaker at the conference “GDPR Compliance und zur Verankerung der DS-GVO in den HR Prozessen” at “Rheinischer Arbeitsrechtstag 2018” on July 6, 2018 and presents „The General Data Protection Regulations and Employment Law”.
  • The GDPR and the new BDSG come into effect on May 25, 2018.
  • Article by Dr. Thilo Mahnhold and Dr. Daniel Klösel on  works agreements as a key element of GDPR compliance, “Don’t miss the opportunity!”, Labor Law Magazine 1/2018
  • “Die Zukunft der datenschutzrechtlichen Betriebsvereinbarung”, (The Future of Shop Agreements on Data Protection), article on the minimum standards and discretionary limits under the GDPR and the BDSG by Dr. Thilo Mahnhold and Dr. Daniel Klösel in: NZA 22/2017, pp. 1428.
  • Article with a practice-oriented overview of the changes in the law by Dr. Daniel Klösel, Data Privacy Laws Go Europe! A new era for employee data privacy compliance under GDPR, DSAnpUG-EU and the EU-US Privacy Shield”, Labor Law Magazine 1/2017
  • “The End of Safe Harbor and the Beginning of the EU-US Privacy Shield”, HR Journal Personalwirtschaft, 04/2016, page 72, article by Dr. Daniel Klösel on changes in the EU/US Privacy Shield/Safe Harbor
  • The new EU General Data Protection Regulation and its impact on the protection of employee data, JUSTEM Newsletter 7/15
  • The merely supposedly safe harbor – employment law consequences of the latest ECJ ruling on “Safe Harbor”, JUSTEM Newsletter 6/15
  • JUSTEM Breakfast Meeting on “Employment Law Highlights, including Employee Data Privacy”, German excerpt here