Each quarter we invite our clients to join us for breakfast which includes a short presentation followed by a discussion on important topics and recent developments in employment and labor law. If you are interested in attending, please contact our office manager Monika Bader (m.bader@justem.de).

Next event’s date and topics will be announced shortly.

JUSTEM Rechtsanwälte


Below are some of the topics of our last Breakfast Club events:

“AI and employment law – how do they go together?”
On the opportunities and risks of AI for HR practice

“Economic crisis & shortage of skilled workers”
On current challenges and solutions for restructuring

“Working time recording – the clock is ticking louder”
On the consequences of the BAG decision on working time recording from September 13, 2022

“Vacation – a never-ending story?”
On the new developments and pitfalls in vacation law

“The new documentation law – the legislator is getting serious”
On the new features of the Documentation Act, which comes into force in August 2022

“Come forward if you can – The current draft of a whistleblower protection law”
About the draft and its effects

“News from labor and social law”
On current decisions and legal innovations in labor and social law

“Corporate Sanctioning Act (Verbandssanktionengesetz) – Developments in corporate criminal law and effects on compliance and internal investigations”

“Working Time & Co. – Trends in Labour Law Compliance”

“Are your trade secrets still secret? News from the legislator on the protection of know-how”
The new legal framework for the protection of trade secrets in employment ((EU) 2016/943)

“Internal conflict management in practice: Win-win for low performers and co.”
About the instrument of internal conflict resolution in companies

“Case Study: The new European data protection law in business practice”

“The new European Data Protection Law”
Employee data privacy compliance under GDPR, DSAnpUG-EU and the EU-US Privacy Shield

“Labor Law – Highlights in 2016”

“New Laws on Temporary Agency Work and Service Contracts – what to do before it will get started”

“The Only Constant is Change”
Recent developments concerning reorganizations and layoffs

“Industry 4.0”
How to deal with the on-demand economy

“Labor Law – Highlights in 2015”

“Poaching – When competitors attack Key Employees and Key Accounts”

“Determinately codetermined – Implementation of work protection regulations and participation of the works council”
The area of conflict between the employer’s obligation to implement work protection regulations and the work council’s right of participation

“Minimum wage concerns everybody – liability for a third party”
The subcontractor’s liability according to the new minimum wage law

“Sooner or later? – Legal questions regarding the new pension package”
Options of organization and risks emerging from the new pension package

“Company car and labor law”
Car policies and company car clauses in employment contracts as well as related liability issues and the codetermination right of the work council

 “Here today, gone tomorrow”
The transfer of employees to a different work place or position in due consideration of recent jurisdiction

“Lifelong vacation – What happened to Schultz-Hoff?”
Vacation pay, leave of absence as well as the renunciation and maturity of vacation entitlements

“Here to stay?”
Equal pay, feigned work contracts and the difficulties of assigning temporary workers and work contractors

“Handling notifications of illness and malingering”
Handling notifications of illness from a legal and tactical point of view

“The new Temporary Agency Act – everyone can be affected”
The most recent developments in the range of hiring out of employees

“Matrix structures in groups – justice versus reality”
Matrix structures from the employer’s, work council’s and data protection’s point of view

“Investigation has to be learned – labor snares within the context of taking of evidence”
On what has to be considered during the clarification process of suspicious facts against the employee