Downsizing and restructuring strike at the core of collective and individual employment law activities and require a holistic approach to employment law to separate key issues from marginal issues and prevent, at the earliest stages, that problems arise later on. Some examples of the scope of our work are:

  • Structuring changes in operations within the meaning of the Works Constitution Act
  • Developing a negotiating strategy and supporting negotiations on an equalization of interests and social plan
  • Information to/consultation with the economic committee
  • Consultation with the works council concerning mass dismissals
  • Notice of mass dismissals
  • Timely involvement of the employment office (Agentur für Arbeit), e.g. concerning transfer measures
  • Transfer social plans
  • Employee communication
  • Dealings with trade unions and expert advisers of the works councils
  • Ramifications of restructuring for works constitution law structures
  • Ramifications for corporate co-determination
  • Defense against temporary injunctions of works councils during the negotiations for an equalization of interests
  • Implementation of a conciliation board as required
  • Counsel in litigation, including litigation for protection from termination

We are happy to support our clients in questions relating to corporate or tax law with experienced legal colleagues within our national and international network or to work closely with the advisors who have already been selected by our clients. Our specialists for all questions related to downsizing and restructuring are Caroline Bitsch and Dr. Henning Reitz.

JUSTEM Rechtsanwälte