We have extensive experience in transaction-related advice on employment law issues, be this during company acquisitions, restructuring, outsourcing, joint ventures or other measures to modify existing structures.

We support complex national and multinational transactions under employment law aspects and advise our clients – both as seller or buyer – in every phase, starting in the run-up to a transaction in order to estimate and evaluate the employment law risks and during the transaction itself. This includes the following key areas:

  • Preparation of fact books and other marketing instruments during the bidding process
  • Conduction of employment law due diligence and preparation of exhaustive full-scope and limited red flag reports
  • Negotiations with employee representatives in collective bargaining concerning parallel business reorganization measures such as during spin-offs, etc.
  • Drafting of required employment law documents such as information letters on the transfer of operations under Sec. 613a German Civil Code
  • Drafting, revision and negotiations for the execution of sale and purchase agreements for asset deals, share deals and in restructuring scenarios
  • Post-M&A advice, including employment-law integration of new business areas or other restructuring and reorganization, negotiation and execution of new service or employment contracts with general managers, management board members and senior executives, negotiation of shop agreements and in the event of severance scenarios

Although our expertise is limited to employment law and the topic immediately adjacent to employment law, we have at our fingertips a tried and true network of distinguished legal colleagues from every area of business law who warrant comprehensive and international transaction advice.

Our specialists are Caroline Bitsch who, over the course of her career has been key counsel for employment law aspects of numerous transactions, Dr. Henning Reitz and Dr. Daniel Klösel.

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